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Village of Byesville Pump Station Study | Excel Fluid Group

Site: Village of Byesville, OH New Power Generation Facility Application Overview: When a new power plant was built in the Village of Byesville, it needed a pump station to accommodate the new...


City of Franklin 3RD Street Lift Station Case Study

Jan 13, 2022 8:53:00 AM
Case Studies, concrete, Sanitary Application, NoVault

Site: City of Franklin, OH 3rd Street Lift Station Replacement Application Overview: We worked with CT Consultants to design and build a pump station for the City of Franklin that met their...


LIRR 3rd Track Constructors New Hyde Park Case Study

Site: New Hyde Park, NY MTA Capital Construction Long Island Rail Road Application Overview: The LIRR Expansion project on Long Island, NY, is one of the region’s most significant transportation...


LIRR 3rd Track Constructors Willis Ave Case Study

Site: Mineola, NY MTA Capital Construction Long Island Rail Road Application Overview: The LIRR Expansion project on Long Island, NY, is one of the region’s most significant transportation...


Columbus Menards Store Pump Station Case Study

Jun 15, 2021 12:00:00 PM
Case Studies, concrete, NoVault, Stormwater Application

Site: Columbus, OH Hillard Rome Rd. Menards Store Application Overview: Menards worked with McConnell Excavating and Franklin County to build a new store location on the west side of Columbus, OH off...


Foxwood Trails Pump Station Case Study

Site: Zelienople, PA Foxwood Trails housing development Application Overview: The new Foxwood Trails housing development in Zelienople, PA worked with Newman Holdings to design a custom pump station...


LIRR 3rd Track Constructors School St. Case Study

Site: Westbury, NY MTA Capital Construction Long Island Rail Road Application Overview: The LIRR Expansion project on Long Island, NY, is one of the region’s most significant transportation...


Hemlock Creek Watershed Case Study

Jul 15, 2020 8:00:00 AM
Case Studies, concrete, Sanitary Application, NoVault

Site: City of Seven Hills, OH Hemlock Creek Watershed Application Overview: City of Seven Hills worked with CT Consultants to design new utility improvements for the Hemlock Creek Watershed. This...


Lemm Corp. Pump Station Case Study | Excel Fluid Group

Site: North Bend Nitrogen Facility Application Overview: Albertz Engineering worked with Lemm Corp to design a new surface water run-off pump station to service the North Bend Nitrogen Facility in...


ODOT SR 64 Bowling Green Case Study

Site: ODOT SR 64 Project 180408 Bowling Green, OH Application Overview: ODOT / City of Bowling Green worked with Poggemeyer Design Group and DLZ Inc. to convert the Two existing SR64/SR105 signalized...


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