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NEORSD Stones Levee Pump Station Case Study

Feb 27, 2018 10:00:00 AM by: Excel Fluid Group

NEORSD Stone Levee Complete - 200x200Site:

Cleveland, OH
Stones Levee in The Flats

Application Overview:

Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) worked with MWH Engineers to design a new sanitary sewer pump station to replace an existing below ground steel can system that was outdated and prone to clogging.

Pump Station Details:

An Excel Fluid Group factory built pump station with a 10’x23’ concrete wet well, aluminum NoVault enclosure and Sulzer-ABS 15 HP non-clog pumps was deemed most suitable for this application. The Excel No-Vault satisfied the client’s concern about confined space hazards as all service can be performed at grade by opening the enclosure gull-wing doors. A custom control panel was included with Allen-Bradley variable frequency drives and Allen-Bradley PanelView pump controller that would communicate with the existing SCADA system per NEORSD’s specifications.  



The installation was completed by Independence Excavating as shown below:

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