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Love's Truck Stop Case Study

Jul 1, 2020 9:00:00 AM by: Excel Fluid Group

Loves Truck Stop 001Site:

Williams County, OH

Love’s Truck Stop Along SR-49

Application Overview:

Love’s Travel Stops & Country Stores worked with CESO, Inc. and Williams County Sanitary Engineer’s to design a new truck service plaza in Edon, OH along Ohio Turnpike I-80. This service plaza required a new sanitary sewer pump station that was required to meet Williams County standards.

Pump Station Details:

An Excel Fluid Group pump station with a 6’ x 22’ HDPE wet well, aluminum NoVault enclosure and Barnes Sithe series 7.5 Hp Chopper pumps was deemed most suitable for this application. The Excel NoVault satisfied the client’s concern about confined space hazards as all service can be performed at grade by opening the enclosure gull-wing doors.



Core Construction completed the installation as shown below:

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